"Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side.
It's the climb...."
I know it's just a silly Miley Cyrus song to some...but I really love the song.
To me, it's inspiring.
It reminds me of the process I'm going through now.
I had my second/final home-study visit. I think it went well.
We had a lot to talk about and it was all thought-provoking...
It all gave me things to think about, but nothing really new to me:values, family,
how I was raised, why I want to foster.
Of course, there are still a few more loose ends to be turned in in terms of paper work, but
my home-finder told me she would write it up Monday (today) and then
at some point in the middle of the week, she would come over for the rest of the papers,
I would sign off on the contract...
and then...
our home will be opened.
I have been praying every night for the child who will come to our home...
for her, my daughter, and for me.
For our new family.