Monday, December 31, 2012

The Climb

"Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side.
It's the climb...."

I know it's just a silly Miley Cyrus song to some...but I really love the song.
To me, it's inspiring.
It reminds me of the process I'm going through now.
I had my second/final home-study visit. I think it went well.
We had a lot to talk about and it was all thought-provoking...
It all gave me things to think about, but nothing really new to me:values, family,
how I was raised, why I want to foster. 

Of course, there are still a few more loose ends to be turned in in terms of paper work, but
my home-finder told me she would write it up Monday (today) and then
at some point in the middle of the week, she would come over for the rest of the papers, 
I would sign off on the contract...
and then...
our home will be opened.

I have been praying every night for the child who will come to our home...
for her, my daughter, and for me.
For our new family. 

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Home for the Holidays

Happy Holidays to you!
We are having a most peaceful holiday at home, just the way we like it!

I do believe in angels and I always tell my daughter she does not have to be
afraid of anything, because angels protect us. My beloved mother and my 
grandfather are my angels. I know I have others around, too.

So, when I found this candle on a thrift-store holiday treasure hunt, I knew I would give
it to my girl to open under the tree. She loves it.

Friday, is my second and final home-study to certify to foster. I will give my home-finder the rest of the paper work and I believe there will be a long interview process. I'm nervous, but hopeful.

Me and my daughter were both hoping we would have the newest addition here for 
the holidays. But it is in God's time. 
I am still trusting the call, trusting the process - 

...and still very happily excited for it all.

Blessings and Love to all. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

It's a good day to re-start this blog.
It's Thanksgiving.
I'm about to complete my certification to become a foster parent.
We are excited. Next week, I'll meet my new home-finder, a young woman who actually ran the parenting classes I attended last year. She will do (another) initial home visit and we'll go over the few things I need to submit. I think it's just a couple of recommendations, Cub's social security card, and some updated medical forms. I hope I can get the house clean enough on Thursday.

I'm still a little undecided about the age of a potential child. I would love a baby for obvious reasons. But I don't know how that would fit in with our lifestyle and routine. I'm a working mom with little outside support. I don't know how that would work for me if the baby wasn't sleeping. An older child would be nice for Josette and possibly easier. It's hard to say as I can't assume what it will be like. Each child and situation is different. Right now, I'm leaving it in the hands of my higher power. I am keeping my heart and mind open and trusting that the way HP has led me to this place, He will also lead the right child to our home and family.