(Photo taken on a Saturday night Mama/Baby Sage Target run...our first.)
Baby Sage sleeps a lot...A LOT as in all day pretty much.
This has been an asset in a many ways, even though I am suffering horribly with sleep deprivation.
Yeah, all the "just sleep when he sleeps" well-meaning friends & neighbors
forget I have an almost 9 year old willow girl with wicked
energy and imagination. Since it's been just the two of us for so long,
she's used to having me close by for hugs, conversation...interaction and CARE.
She still needs to eat three meals a day, Friends! How can I sleep?
Anyway, I am slowly slipping into my old familiar routine while he sleeps.
This morning, I made my yerba matte just the way I like it with ginger & lemon.
I made Willow girl pancakes (not from scratch, come on!) and found my
way to my quiet place. I was able to do a fifteen minute centering meditation and
then afterward (while he slumbered on) I completed a 25 minute yoga practice.
It was heaven and felt so good. My body has missed the stretching and the breathing.
Later, my girlfriend watched the kids while I had a dentist appointment. Yes, I
love my dentist. Not only is he a handsome fellow, he is open on Sundays. Gotta love that.
When finished, we all crossed the street and headed over to the mall.
Sage slept straight through, only to wake for a bottle at 2:30.
He sure captured a lot of attention in the mall as he is not only
tiny, but flippin' adorable with his turned up button nose, bow lips, and jet black
hair that's coming in all "male pattern balding" style. Swoon worthy, he is.
A few hours later, here we are back home. I'm on the couch watching The American,
but it may require more brainpower than I have at the moment. Willow has
her bff over and they're playing Littlest Pet Shop. And Sage...you guessed
it, is still asleep. But not for long, as he is due for another feeding.
Tomorrow, my girl starts VBS for the week, so our 10 o'clock rising time
will change to eight. Also, tomorrow marks the countdown to darshan with Amma, my guru.
She will be here in the city at the end of the week. I can not wait for
Sage and Willow to join me in her presence this time around.
So much to look forward to in the weeks ahead.